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Thank you for using Label Designer Plus DELUXE

We hope you enjoy using this product and hope that it meets your every need. We have worked extremely hard to make Label Designer Plus DELUXE everything our customers want it to be and continue to strive to make it a better product each day.

If you have a problem, question, comment or suggestion or just wish a feature could be added or improved we encourage you to read the FAQ

If you have not already purchased a license, please consider doing so. As a licensed user you will enjoy many benefits and will be able to continue using Label Designer Plus DELUXE forever without any time or feature limitations. You can securely purchase a license by clicking the BUY button on the introduction screen displayed when Label Designer Plus DELUXE starts, or directly from our website at:



The Label Designer Plus DELUXE Team

For more information on this and all our other fine products please visit our website at:
